Labour Party UK Chapter Executive Arms Dissolved.

So long a letter yet so short a tenure for Chief Matthew A. Daniel led Labour Party UK Chapter administration.  It is now a news bullet point that the dissolution letter signed by the party national chairman – Barr. Julius Abure – takes immediate effect, and that a Constituted Caretaker Committee will take over the leadership and administration devoir of the Chapter ASASP.

Per contra, no official reasons were highlighted in the termination legate addressed to the Chairman Labour Party UK Chapter. Conspicuously, the unceremoniously ending of the executive committee set up bearly four months ago is a great disquietude, knowing fully well that the general election is round the corner.

Shockingly, quite a number of party members NLP-UK have had to make reason from the several confused hearsay spreading around like a wide untamed fire. Issues that ranged from disjointed unfuntional administration, no proactive vision, pauperize one man show with intoxicated power that shame democracy, rudeness, boorish used of words and lack of administrative prowl to manage people or develop resources. These are a few of the many table shaker points for the collapse of the exco.

As we await the new Caretaker Committee, let hope that the suitable pegs will be the right choices to fill the right positions. A march toward a change of government in our dear country Nigeria means Labour Party, priority drive is to work for Obi’s victory at the next election and dispensation.


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