Dying nurse’s heartbreaking final message as ‘NHS docs miss cancer SIX TIMES’

A TERMINALLY-ILL nurse lashed out at doctors who allegedly missed six chances to diagnose her with cancer in a heartbreaking final message before she died.

Julie O’Connor, 49, blasted Southmead Hospital in Bristol for failing to notice she had deadly cervical cancer several times.

The mum-of-two, employed by the NHS for 13 years, told how it was “disgusting” how she had been allowed to “continue to suffer”.

In a video filmed during her final hours Julie can barely speak as she describes her ordeal.

The hospital has now launched an independent probe into Julie’s tragic death.

Julie, from Thornbury, Glos, says in the video: “I think it took six attempts for the cancer to be diagnosed.

“It’s disgusting I have been suffering the way I have and I continue to suffer.”

And husband Kevin insisted he holds hospital staff “fully accountable”.

He revealed how docs failed to diagnose Julie’s cancer over a three-year period.

Julie first complained of feeling unwell in 2014 but a test came back clear.

It was three years later before a private consultant delivered the devastating news that she did in fact have cancer.

Julie blamed a “catalogue of errors” at the hospital for her cancer spreading and became incurable.

Kevin told the camera: “The pathologist and the gynaecologist, who had several opportunities to intervene, I hold them responsible, and I do hold the board of directors at North Bristol Trust accountable.

“They put me and Julie through this. What we want to do with this video is to show the board of directors what they’ve done.

“What they’ve done to me and Julie and our family. And I just hope this doesn’t happen to anybody else. We want a wider review.”

Dr Chris Burton, of North Bristol NHS Trust, said: “We are committed to understanding the full circumstances of the care we provided so we can improve our services.

“We’ll be publicly open with the findings of the independent [probe] we’ve commissioned.”

Speaking to the Bristol Post last year, Julie revealed her determination to ensure other women potentially affected should “challenge the results and get retested”.

“We are trying to help other women who might be given this devastating news,” she said.

“The hospital are saying it is only me whose tests were wrong but they are reluctant to do a wider review of other smears even though we have pleaded with them to.

“The last thing I want to do is put people off having smears, but just to question things if you are having symptoms like I was then challenge it and push it further.”

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