Voices of March for Our Lives: Colorado high school student Maddie Provost

Voices of March for Our Lives: Colorado high school student Maddie Provost

Students who participated in March for Our Lives share their experiences. These photos and words were provided to ABC News by the student and posted as part of a series of student-produced reports.

On Saturday, March 24, my friends and I ventured to Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado, to attend the March for Our Lives. Immediately after arriving, I felt a rush of energy, a lifted spirit. Even though tragic events have occurred, the thousands of people came together in order to solve one issue: preventing gun violence.

As a student, I felt empowered, like I could change anything in our government. Before the speeches even started, I looked around to see everyone in front of me, all the supporters and believers. I cried tears of joy, it made my life light again.

I watched the march from a higher standpoint relative to others in the park, from where I could see the park bursting with crowds of people. As a photographer and a student, I felt overwhelmed with love and support. Through my lens, I was inspired to document this event from the eyes of a student. I wanted to capture not only the raw emotion of the crowd, but the amount of support students were receiving from everyone of all ages. I wanted to illustrate the innocence and the fierceness of the young children attending the march, the supporters both young and old, and most importantly, the passion of the students.

I never expected this event to be as large as it was. Knowing that thousands of people standing right in front of me were here to support one movement made me feel unstoppable.

I have always looked up to anyone who is older than me; they have more life experience. But for one time in my life, the adults were looking up to kids, literally and figuratively, and leaving it up to us to implement a change. Some people might say this is a difficult responsibility to bear, but personally, I feel honored adults leave this issue to us because it is our fight. I felt connected to young people who had a significant impact on movements such as the Vietnam Anti-War protest, or the Civil Rights Movement.

There were three specific speakers who moved me: Olivia Claudi, Maddie King and Tish Beauford. All were of different ages, but still managed to create the same effect on the audience. While engaging in their words, I was overcome with emotion. Their ideas and devotion to this cause empowered me to continue the fight for gun reform and ensure the cause does not get lost in the next turn of the news cycle. I hope photography will be my tool and is my means of empowering others to get involved in this movement that’s larger than themselves.

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